Sunday, October 14, 2007



SORRY FOR THE DELAY OF THIS POSTING...I was just down the whole day yesterday as well as the entire morning today...! Anyways, since it is my bad, I will make sure that this will mostly be reminders of what's in stored for the Second Quarter in class. ready for the discussion of Chapters 7-12 of The Lord of the Flies...if you have nothing to do then review it well, especially those of you who did not fair too well in the previous test we had;

SECOND...I will be giving you another 100-point check-up test on our 82 Literary Terms in the next few ready! I am also going to release the additional terms here on BLOGSPOT soon so stay tuned;

THIRD...start reserving your copy of the story Of Mice and Men from the library already...this is going to be our next novel discussion...once you have the copy, start reading it;

FOURTH...our next story from the text is The Birds by Daphne du Maurier (pp. 50-75); you may begin reading it now if you wish and do not forget to take notes on it in your NB; and

LASTLY...start memorizing and practicing your poems for your oral delivery in class...we will talk more about this in the next few weeks!

That's promised I am not asking any written assignments from you based on this homework. Take care and be safe always! Get an early head start and study-study-study! CIAO!!!

Mr. A